Real-Time Rendering Fourth Edition / 13.6 Billboarding

Vertex Position //quad in XOY
(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0f)
(1.0, 1.0, 0.0f)
(-1.0, -1.0, 0.0f)
(1.0, -1.0, 0.0f)

RightDirection + UpDirection => Rotation AnchorPosition => Translation

Position = RightDirection * Position.x + UpDirection * Position.y + AnchorPosition

calculate RightDirection/UpDirection/AnchorPosition

//in asotropic NDF //modified Gram-Schmidt process

FrontDirection->n //normal
keep FrontDirection fixed and deduce UpDirection
// same for LH/RH
// maybe not normalized after cross
RightDirection = normalize(Cross(UpDirection, FrontDirection))
UpDirection = normalize(Cross(FrontDirection, RightDirection))

//1-1. screen-aligned

//1-2. viewplane-aligned
FrontDirection is fixed to EyeDirection of ViewTransform

1-3. viewpoint-oriented //Spherical Symmetry
FrontDirection = EyePosition - AnchorLocation

2. axial keep UpDirection fixed and deduce UpDirection
RightDirection = normalize(Cross(UpDirection, FrontDirection))
FrontDirection = Cross(RightDirection, UpDirection)

2-1. viewpoint-oriented // Circular Symmetry