Volume Rendering

Rendering Equation

Notation Description Shader Code Convention
p \displaystyle \overrightarrow{p} Shading Position N/A
ω o \displaystyle \overrightarrow{\omega_o} Outgoing Direction V
L o ( p , ω i ) \displaystyle \operatorname{L_o}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) Outgoing Radiance N/A
L e ( p , ω o ) \displaystyle \operatorname{L_e}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_o}) Emissive Radiance N/A
ω i \displaystyle \overrightarrow{\omega_i} Incident Direction L
f ( p , ω i , ω o ) \displaystyle \operatorname{f}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}, \overrightarrow{\omega_o}) BRDF N/A
L i ( p , ω i ) \displaystyle \operatorname{L_i}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) Incident Radiance N/A
( cos θ i ) + \displaystyle (\cos \theta_i)^+ N/A clamp(dot(N, L), 0.0, 1.0)
r ( p , ω i ) \displaystyle \operatorname{r}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) Ray-Casting Function N/A

The Rendering Equation is also called the LTE (Light Transport Equation) by "14.4 The Light Transport Equation" of PBR Book V3. And we have the Rendering Equation L o ( p , ω o ) = L e ( p , ω o ) + Ω f ( p , ω i , ω o ) L i ( p , ω i ) ( cos θ i ) + d ω i \displaystyle \operatorname{L_o}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_o}) = \operatorname{L_e}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_o}) + \int_\Omega \operatorname{f}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}, \overrightarrow{\omega_o}) \operatorname{L_i}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) (\cos \theta_i)^+ \, d \overrightarrow{\omega_i} .

According to the Rendering Equation, by OSL (Open Shading Language), the surface and the light are actually the same thing, since the light is merely the surface which is emissive.

By "Figure 11.1" of Real-Time Rendering Fourth Edition and "Figure 14.14" of PBR Book V3, by assuming no participating media, we have the relationship L i ( p , ω i ) = L o ( r ( p , ω i ) , ω i ) \displaystyle \operatorname{L_i}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) = \operatorname{L_o}(\operatorname{r}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}), -\overrightarrow{\omega_i}) where r ( p , ω ) \displaystyle \operatorname{r}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega}) is the ray-casting function. This means that the incident radiance L i ( p , ω i ) \displaystyle \operatorname{L_i}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) at one point p is exactly the exitant radiance L o ( r ( p , ω i ) , ω i ) \displaystyle \operatorname{L_o}(\operatorname{r}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}), -\overrightarrow{\omega_i}) at another point r ( p , ω i ) \displaystyle \operatorname{r}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) .


Hence, both the incident radiance L i ( p , ω ) \displaystyle \operatorname{L_i}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega}) and the exitant radiance L o ( p , ω ) \displaystyle \operatorname{L_o}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega}) can be represented by the same function L ( p , ω ) \displaystyle \operatorname{L}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega}) . And thus, we have L ( p , ω o ) = L e ( p , ω o ) + Ω f ( p , ω i , ω o ) L ( r ( p , ω i ) , ω i ) ( cos θ i ) + d ω i \displaystyle \operatorname{L}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_o}) = \operatorname{L_e}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_o}) + \int_\Omega \operatorname{f}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}, \overrightarrow{\omega_o}) \operatorname{L}(\operatorname{r}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}), -\overrightarrow{\omega_i}) (\cos \theta_i)^+ \, d \overrightarrow{\omega_i} which is a differential equation of which the solution is the L ( p , ω ) \displaystyle \operatorname{L}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega}) .

By "Light transport and the rendering equation" of CS 348B - Computer Graphics: Image Synthesis Techniques and "Global Illumination and Rendering Equation" of CS 294-13 Advanced Computer Graphics, this differential equation is actually the Fredholm Integral Equation of which the solution is the Liouville–Neumann Series. And thus, the solution of this differential equation can be written as the recursive form L = E + KE + K 2 E + K 3 E + \text{L} = \text{E} + \text{K}\text{E} + {\text{K}}^2\text{E} + {\text{K}}^3\text{E} + \ldots .

Radiative Transfer Equation

Notation Description Shader Code Convention
σ t ( p + ω i t , ω i ) \displaystyle \operatorname{\sigma_t}(\overrightarrow{p} + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) Attenuation/Extinction Coefficient N/A
σ a ( p + ω i t , ω i ) \displaystyle \operatorname{\sigma_a}(\overrightarrow{p} + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) Absorption Coefficient N/A
σ s ( p + ω i t , ω i ) \displaystyle \operatorname{\sigma_s}(\overrightarrow{p} + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) Scattering Coefficient N/A
T τ ( p , ω i , t ) \displaystyle \operatorname{\Tau_{\tau}}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}, t) Multiplicative Transmittance N/A
p ( p + ω i t , ω i , ω s ) \displaystyle \operatorname{p}(\overrightarrow{p} + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}, \overrightarrow{\omega_s}) Phase Function N/A

The RTE (Radiative Transfer Equation) is also called the complete transport equation by "Participating media" of CS 348B - Computer Graphics: Image Synthesis Techniques, and is also called the Equation of Transfer by "15.1 The Equation of Transfer" of PBR Book V3.

By "Participating media" of CS 348B - Computer Graphics: Image Synthesis Techniques, [Fong 2017], "Figure 14.3" of Real-Time Rendering Fourth Edition and "15.1 The Equation of Transfer" of PBR Book V3, we have the RTE (Radiative Transfer Equation) L i ( p , ω i ) = 0 t r T τ ( p , ω i , t ) ( L e ( p + ω i t , ω i ) + σ s ( p + ω i t , ω i ) ( Ω p ( p + ω i t , ω i , ω s ) L i ( p + ω i t , ω s ) d ω s ) ) d t + T τ ( p , ω i , t r ) L o ( r ( p , ω i ) , ω i ) \displaystyle \operatorname{L_i}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) = \int_0^{t_r} \operatorname{\Tau_{\tau}}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}, t) \cdot \left\lparen \operatorname{L_e}(\overrightarrow{p} + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) + \operatorname{\sigma_s}(\overrightarrow{p} + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) \left\lparen \int_{\Omega} \operatorname{p}(\overrightarrow{p} + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}, \overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}) \operatorname{L_i}(p + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t, \overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}) \, d \overrightarrow{\omega_{s}} \right\rparen \right\rparen \, dt + \operatorname{\Tau_{\tau}}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}, t_r) \cdot \operatorname{L_o}(\operatorname{r}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}), -\overrightarrow{\omega_i}) where r ( p , ω i ) \displaystyle \operatorname{r}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) is the the ray-casting function, t r \displaystyle t_r is the length such that ( p + ω i t r ) = r ( p , ω i ) \displaystyle (\overrightarrow{p} + \overrightarrow{\omega_i} t_r) = \operatorname{r}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) , T τ ( p , ω i , t ) = e τ ( p , ω i , t ) \displaystyle \operatorname{\Tau_{\tau}}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}, t) = e^{-\operatorname{\tau}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}, t)} is the multiplicative transmittance where τ ( p , ω i , t ) = 0 t σ t ( p + ω i t , ω i ) d t \displaystyle \operatorname{\tau}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}, t) = \int_0^t \operatorname{\sigma_t}(\overrightarrow{p} + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t', \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) \, dt' is the optical thickness where σ t ( p + ω i t , ω i ) = σ a ( p + ω i t , ω i ) + σ s ( p + ω i t , ω i ) \displaystyle \operatorname{\sigma_t}(\overrightarrow{p} + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t', \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) = \operatorname{\sigma_a}(\overrightarrow{p} + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t', \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) + \operatorname{\sigma_s}(\overrightarrow{p} + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t', \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) is the attenuation/extinction coefficient where σ a \displaystyle \operatorname{\sigma_a} is the absorption coefficient and σ s \displaystyle \operatorname{\sigma_s} is the scattering coefficient, and p ( p + ω i t , ω i , ω s ) \displaystyle \operatorname{p}(\overrightarrow{p} + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}, \overrightarrow{\omega_s}) is the phase function.


Technically, the relationship between L i ( p + ω i t , ω s ) \displaystyle \operatorname{L_i}(p + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t, \overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}) and L o ( p s u n , ω s ) \displaystyle \operatorname{L_o}(\overrightarrow{p_{sun}}, \overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}) follows the RTE (Radiative Transfer Equation). However, in real time rendering, we assume that L i ( p + ω i t , ω s ) T τ ( p + ω i t , ω s , t s u n ) L o ( p s u n , ω s ) \displaystyle \operatorname{L_i}(p + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t, \overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}) \approx \operatorname{\Tau_{\tau}}(p + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t, -\overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}, t_{sun}) \cdot \operatorname{L_o}(\overrightarrow{p_{sun}}, \overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}) where p s u n = r ( p + ω i t , ω s ) \displaystyle \overrightarrow{p_{sun}} = \operatorname{r}(p + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t, -\overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}) and L o ( p s u n , ω s ) \displaystyle \operatorname{L_o}(\overrightarrow{p_{sun}}, \overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}) is the "intensity" of the sun (directional light). This means that the in-scattering part 0 t r s T τ ( p + ω i t , ω s , t s ) ( L e ( p + ω i t ω s t s , ω s ) + σ s ( p + ω i t ω s t s , ω s ) ( Ω p ( p + ω i t ω s t s , ω s , ω p ) L i ( p + ω i t ω s t s , ω p ) d ω p ) ) d t s \displaystyle \int_0^{t_r^s} \operatorname{\Tau_{\tau}}(p + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t, -\overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}, t_s) \cdot \left\lparen \operatorname{L_e}(p + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t -\overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}t_s, -\overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}) + \operatorname{\sigma_s}(p + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t -\overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}t_s, -\overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}) \left\lparen \int_{\Omega} \operatorname{p}(p + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t -\overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}t_s, -\overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}, \overrightarrow{\omega_{p}}) \operatorname{L_i}(p + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t -\overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}t_s, \overrightarrow{\omega_{p}}) \, d \overrightarrow{\omega_{p}} \right\rparen \right\rparen \, dt_s , where ( p + ω i t ω s t r s ) = r ( p + ω i t , ω s ) = p s u n \displaystyle (\overrightarrow{p} + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t -\overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}t_r^s) = \operatorname{r}(p + \overrightarrow{\omega_i}t, -\overrightarrow{\omega_{s}}) = \overrightarrow{p_{sun}} , of the RTE (Radiative Transfer Equation) is ignored.

Evidently, the relationship L i ( p , ω i ) = L o ( r ( p , ω i ) , ω i ) \displaystyle \operatorname{L_i}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}) = \operatorname{L_o}(\operatorname{r}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega_i}), -\overrightarrow{\omega_i}) by "Figure 11.1" of Real-Time Rendering Fourth Edition and "Figure 14.14" of PBR Book V3 is the simplified case of the RTE (Radiative Transfer Equation) by assuming no participating media.

Participating Media Rendering


sample the transmittance T τ ( t ) \displaystyle \operatorname{\Tau_{\tau}}(t) // range [0, \frac{1}{\sigma_t}]
range [ 0 , ) \displaystyle [ 0, \infty ) // the distance t of the ray

For homogeneous medium
"Equation 15.9" of PBR Book V3
the attenuation/extinction coefficient σ t \displaystyle \operatorname{\sigma_t} remains the same
"13.3.1 The Inversion Method" of PBR Book V3
transmittance follows the exponential distribution

TODO: heterogeneous medium

assume t_max -> o + dt_max = r ( p , ω ) \displaystyle \operatorname{r}(\overrightarrow{p}, \overrightarrow{\omega}) // hit distance

VolPathIntegrator::Li // check mi.IsValid()
(t_max, \infty) -> surface term
[0, t_max] -> medium-related term

// complement
// since when t > t_max we do NOT calculate the medium-related term (namely, we do NOT sample the medium)
// 1 - \int_0^{t_max} pdf(t) dt

// for surface term
// the "regular" surface reflection rendering

// for medium-related term
// we sample the phase funtion to trace ray to calculate the L_i within the integral of L_s


Epipolar Sampling

[Yusov 2013]
[Hillaire 2016]



[Cantlay 2014]
[Hoobler 2016]



[Yusov 2013] Egor Yusov. "Practical Implementation of Light Scattering Effects Using Epipolar Sampling and 1D Min/Max Binary Trees." GDC 2013
[Cantlay 2014] Iain Cantlay. From Terrain to Godrays Better Use of DirectX11. GDC 2014.
[Hillaire 2016] Sebastien Hillaire. "Physically Based Sky, Atmosphere and Cloud Rendering in Frostbite." SIGGRAPH 2016.
[Hoobler 2016] Nathan Hoobler. "Fast, Flexible, Physically-Based Volumetric Light Scattering." GTC 2016.
[Fong 2017] Julian Fong, Magnus Wrenninge, Christopher Kulla, Ralf Habel. "Production Volume Rendering." SIGGRAPH 2017.